Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors by GOLDEN, Traditional 11ml Set

Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors has one of the most extensive lines of professional grade, quality oil paints. As a painter's paint, there are many things that make Williamsburg colors unique, such as milling each pigment to its own unique standard to develop the richest expression of color and undertone. Some colors feel slightly gritty; others extremely smooth. This approach preserves the range of texture oil paints had in the past. For artists seeking a convenient way to experience some of the color families within Williamsburg, they have assembled introductory sets containing eight colors in 11ml tubes, plus a 37ml tube of Titanium White. These value priced sets each include a great selection of colors that are representative of the Williamsburg paintmaking philosophy. The Traditional Colors Set is an ideal starting place for artists who are interested in exploring a more traditional range of colors. It contains 11ml tubes of cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow medium, cadmium red medium, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue (genuine), raw sienna and French raw umber, plus a 37ml tube of titanium white.

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Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors by GOLDEN, Traditional 11ml Set



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